The attention of the travel agencies

New: TripPlanter PRO

Offer your customers the carbon offsetting


A new service for travellers

As a travel agency, offer your travelers a new carbon offset service. Tree-Nation brings you an original solution they will love.

Offset travel carbon

Today, it is important to take care of the planet. The trip is a major consumer of carbon. TripPlanter is a simple solution to meet the environmental needs and the desire of customers.

Customers love the trees

The tree is known by all for his affirmative action for the planet. Customers like plant trees to clear their carbon tracve. Just give them the opportunity.
Tree-Nation carbon offsetting service comes with a stimulus package to keep the very positive contact with the clients longer. It's a support for surveys of satisfaction and loyalty.

And it's easy!

A new easy-to-implement service:
Whether by Internet or in Agency, the carbon offset service is a customizable turnkey service.

The more than TripPlanter

Offset plus

Species are selected for their ability to absorpsion.

Customers like this.

Customers like the trees. TripPlanter is a simple way to join the fight for the climate.


Positive differentiation is lever for the turnover.


An automatic loyalty program is built into TripPlanter.


The plantations are selected and controlled by Tree-Nation all over the world.

The virtual forest

The virtual forest of the agency proves its commitment to the planet.

Visibitite Internet increased

Internet traffic is augmentevia shares by social networks.


Tree-Nation manages the planting of trees and the virtual forest.


A simple procedure and integration in sales tools.

The concept

Offset the carbon of the trip and create a special relationship with the customer.

Plant a real tree

Plant one or more trees provides carbon offsetting of the trip. Plantation species are selected, managed and controlled by Tree-Nation. A simple calculation to estimate the number of trees needed to a carbon neutral trip.

Publish its virtual tree

Tree-Nation creates a Web page for each tree with the information about the trip, the species and planting. Web pages are collected in the virtual forest of the Agency thus forming a dynamic content conducive to the image of the Agency and the increase of the traffic Internet.

In Agency

One question to the customer: "Do you plant a tree to offset your carbon track?". The rest is automatic.

On the Internet

The service fits just as a travel option when booking or at check-out.

2 options

Offer the service to the traveller

The project is funded by the travellers.
they are more sensitized by their approach volunteer.
track will be better.

Offer the service for free

More trees are planted.
all clients are affected by the loyalty program.
the virtual forest of the richest, largest Agency.

Easy to integrate

The TripPlanter service integrates in the process of selling as another service. If travelers subscribe to it or if the Agency offers service to travelers, the command must be sent to TripPlanter that takes care of all the rest. The real tree is planted, the virtual tree is created and the travellers concerned is notified of the procedure of customization of its tree. < br / > the marketing stimulus that follows is completely automated and the Agency receives regular activity reports.

Manual encoding

A very simple Web application dedicated to travel agencies allows the encoding of some basic information thus causing the start of automatic operations.


Management of travel agencies applications and websites using the TripPlanter API to fully automate the process.

An example of a virtual forest

The virtual forest

The virtual forest is the evidence of environmental action of the Agency and its passengers. It is an important piece of communication to differentiate the Agency and keep travellers.
The first page of the virtual forest displays the counters of trees and carbon offset by the Agency.
it also shows the last trees planted and gives access to a playful search for finding routes, cities or people, etc.
A manual encoding of travel package to compensate for helping visitors to the forest to take the first step towards carbon offsetting. These new "followers" are also part of the stimulus package by email.
La forĂȘt virtuelle
La forĂȘt virtuelle

A tree TripPlanter

The page of a tree is very complete. It includes for example:
  • cities of departure and destination
  • distance
  • carbon offset
  • the species and its characteristics
  • of planting information
  • local time and weather
  • a comment of the traveler
  • photos
  • links to the cities concerned
  • a plan
all of these are specific to the tree planted by the traveler.

Benefits for travel agencies

A new easy-to-implement carbon offset service
A positive environmental-oriented
A tool of relationship with travellers
A fully automated tool
Increased Internet visibility
The realization of a CSR policy through carbon offsetting


The guarantee of Tree-Nation

  • TripPlanter Pro is the version "travel" of the tree-Tree-Nation marketing
  • Tree-Nati It supports all the environmental aspect
    • Selection of planting
    • species selection
    • Orders for the planters
    • tracking of plantations
  • Tree-Nation delivers d are certificates of planting for each tree
  • Tree-Nation provides integration tools and custom Web forest
  • Tree-Nation, it is more than 4 500 000 trees planted and more than 300 client companies (Danone, Price-Waterhouse-Cooper, SNCF, SAP, Nivea, Quo Vadis, Belgacom, accentuate Re, Google, etc.)

Offer your customers a new service of carbon offsetting

And start to take action for the planet now

Contact Tree-Nation

TripPlanter is immediately available and easy to integrate.
It is time to start planting, to travel carbon free!
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